Probability Distribution

Guillaume Blanchet – Andrew MacDonald



To understand distributions, we first need to have a basic understanding of probabilities.

A bit of history

Unlike many other fields of science, the first contributors in the study of probability were not scholars, they were gamblers !

For example, the emperor Claudius (10 BC – 54 AD), who was an avid gambler (he had a carriage built to allow him and his party to gamble while travelling) wrote a treatise on randomness and probability.

Lanciani (1892) Gambling and Cheating in Ancient Rome. The North American Review 155:97-105

A bit of history

If you want a fun book to read about probabilities, its history and the difficulty of working with probabilities, I strongly recommend

The basics of probabilities

A probability ALWAYS ranges between 0 and 1

A probability of 0 means that an event is impossible

Example: The probability that a dog and a cat naturally reproduce is 0

A probability of 1 means that an event is certain

Example: The probability that you are in this summer school as we speak is 1

The basics of probabilities


A classic way to write the probability of an event is to use the notation \(P\).


The probability that it rains as you walk outside after the lecture is written as

\[P(r)\] where \(r\) is the event you are interested in. Here, \(r\) is whether it rains as you walk outside after the lecture today

Probabilities and events

When dealing with discrete (countable) events, it is very practical to know the number of events that can occur.

In the simplest case, we can either measure the probability of an event to occur or not.


It can either rain or not. Mathematically, the probability that it rains is written as

\[P(r)\] and the probability that it does not rain would be written as

\[1 - P(r)\]

Probabilities and events

Usually, these basic notions of probabilities are presented using coin flipping. When a coin is flip, it is usually assumed that


However, in probability theory, P(r) can have any value ranging between 0 and 1.


What do you think is the probability that it will rain at the end of the lecture?

Probabilities and events

At this point we can note that when we add the probabilites of all possible events, the sum will always be 1


\[P(r) + (1-P(r)) = 1\]

This is true only if the events are independent from each other

Independent !?

Events that are independent from each other means that the if an event occurs it is in no way related to the occurrence of another event.


If we assume that weather events like a rainy day are independent from one another, it means that if it rains today it is unrelated to the weather of yesterday or tomorrow.

Note : This can be a good or a bad or dangerous assumption to make depending on the problem you are working on.

Bernoulli distribution

Jacob Bernoulli (1655 - 1705)

Bernoulli distribution

The probability distribution (or probability mass function) of the Bernoulli distribution defines the probability of an event to occur given that there is only one other event that can occur (e.g. rain or no rain)

Classically, we will give a value of 1 to one event (no rain) and 0 to the other (rain).

From a mathematical perspective, it does not matter which event is given a 1 (or a 0). However, often it is common practice to choose how we give values based on the interpretation we make of the results.

Bernoulli distribution

Mathematically, the probability mass function of the Bernoulli distribution can be written as

\[\begin{align*} p \quad & \text{if} \quad x =1\\ (1-p) \quad & \text{if}\quad x =0 \end{align*}\]

where \(p\) is a shorthand for \(P(x)\) and \(x\) is one of two events.

Moment interlude

Using probability distributions is practical because from them we can derive general information characterizing the each distribution.

These characteristics are know as moments of a distribution… And you know them :

  • Mean
  • Variance
  • Skewness
  • Kurtosis

Moments of the Bernoulli distribution

For the sake of conciseness, in this course, we will discuss only the first two moments of distributions.




If the probability that it rains is \(p=0.14\) in any given day, it means that, on average in a week (7 days) we should expect it will rain 1 day.

Moments of the Bernoulli distribution


\[p(1-p)\] Example

If the probability that it rains is \(p=0.5\) in any given day, it means that, across multiple weeks, some weeks might have no rain while some weeks it might rain all days because the variance is

\[p(1-p)=0.5\times(1-0.5)=0.25\quad\text{and}\quad \sqrt{0.25} = 0.5\]

Moments of the Bernoulli distribution

If you want to go deeper down and learn about the other moments of the Bernoulli distribution (as well as other aspect of the distribution), take a look at the Wikipedia page of the Bernoulli distribution

Let’s make it more complicated

So far, we focused on a situation where the two events to consider either occur or not.

There are many problems were interest lies in studying the likeliness of an event occurring over a known number of independent trials.


How many rainy day will there be during the five days of our summer school ?

Binomial distribution

Put differently, the binomial distribution is designed to approach questions where we are interested in finding the number of success (e.g. it rains !) out of a known set of independent trials (e.g. the five days of the summer school).

The binomial distribution is a generalisation of the Bernoulli distribution

It is a common distribution used when sampling is done with replacement

Let’s take a look at the math of the Binomial distribution

Binomial distribution

Probability mass function



  • \(n\) : Number of trails
  • \(k\) : Number of success (an event occurs)
  • \(p\) : Probability that an event occurs

Note that \(n \ge k\)

Mathematical technicalities interlude



\[\frac{n\times(n-1)\times(n-2)\times\dots\times 2\times 1}{(k\times(k-1)\times(k-2)\times\dots\times 2\times 1)(n-k)\times(n-k-1)\times(n-k-2)\times\dots\times 2\times 1}\]

Moment of the binomial distribution

Again, for conciseness, we will focus on the first moment (mean) and second moment (variance) of the binomial distribution.

Mean \[np\]


If the probability that it rains is \(p=0.14\) in any given day of the 5 days of the summer school, it means that on average we expect it will rain 0.7 days of the summer school (so 1 or no days)

\[np = 5 \times 0.14 = 0.7\]

Moment of the binomial distribution




If the probability that it rains is \(p=0.5\) in any given day, it means that, across multiple weeks (7 days), roughly speaking some weeks might have 1 days of rain while others might have 5 because the variance is

\[np(1-p)=7 \times 0.5\times(1-0.5)=1.75\quad\text{and}\quad \sqrt{1.75} = 1.3229\]

Moments of the binomial distribution

If you want to learn more about the other moments of the binomial distribution (as well as other aspect of the distribution), take a look at the Wikipedia page of the binomial distribution

Binomial distribution

The binomial distribution is related to many other probability distribution

  • Bernoulli distribution (as we have seen)
  • Poisson distribution (when there are an infinite number of trials while \(np\) converge to a finite value)
  • Normal distribution…

Jia Xian triangle

Pascal’s triangle

Pascal’s triangle

Pascal’s triangle

The Pascal’s triangle is directly related to the binomial distribution with \(p=0.5\).

If \(n = 3\)

When \(k=0\)

\[\binom{n}{k}p^k(1-p)^{n-k}=\binom{3}{0}\times0.5^0 \times (1-0.5)^{(3-0)}=0.125\]

When \(k=1\)

\[\binom{n}{k}p^k(1-p)^{n-k}=\binom{3}{1}\times0.5^1 \times (1-0.5)^{(3-1)}=0.375\]

When \(k=2\)

\[\binom{n}{k}p^k(1-p)^{n-k}=\binom{3}{2}\times0.5^1 \times (1-0.5)^{(3-2)}=0.375\]

When \(k=3\)

\[\binom{n}{k}p^k(1-p)^{n-k}=\binom{3}{3}\times0.5^1 \times (1-0.5)^{(3-3)}=0.125\]

Pascal’s triangle

The Pascal’s triangle is directly related to the binomial distribution with \(p=0.5\).

If \(n = 3\)

Pascal’s triangle

The Pascal’s triangle is directly related to the binomial distribution with \(p=0.5\).

If \(n = 10\)

Pascal’s triangle

The Pascal’s triangle is directly related to the binomial distribution with \(p=0.5\).

If \(n = 50\)

Pascal’s triangle

The Pascal’s triangle is directly related to the binomial distribution with \(p=0.5\).

If \(n = 200\)

Binomial and Gaussian distribution

If the number trials (\(n\)) is large enough, it approximate to a Gaussian distribution

Gaussian (Normal) distribution

Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855)

Gaussian (Normal) distribution

Unlike the binomial distribution, the Gaussian distribution is a continuous distribution

It is the a very common distribution that is underlying many random natural phenomenon and it is the basis of statistical theory

Let’s take a look at the mathematical formulation of the Gaussian distribution

Gaussian (Normal) distribution

Probability density function

\[\frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{x - \mu}{\sigma}\right)^2}\]


  • \(x\) : continuous variable of interest
  • \(\mu\) : The mean of the distribution
  • \(\sigma\) : The standard deviation of the distribution

Moment of the Gaussian distribution




Let’s say we measure the length of the left wing of individual of this species of (angry) birds, it is expected that the wing length will follow a Gaussian distribution with a mean of \(\mu\). We will look at this in more details in the practical exercices later today.

Moment of the Gaussian distribution




Let’s say we measure the length of the left wing of individual of this species of (angry) birds, it is expected that the wing length will follow a Gaussian distribution with a variance of \(\sigma^2\). We will look at this in more details in the practical exercices later today.

General properties of distributions

In R, there are 4 functions associated to every distribution. As an example, for the Gaussian distribution, they are

  • rnorm
  • dnorm
  • pnorm
  • qnorm

Knowing what these functions do will be very useful for this course


The r in rnorm is for random

This function allows us to randomly sample directly from the distribution of interest.


Let’s assume that we look at the historical record and gather the minimum temperature measured on today’s date for the past 40 years. This data can be assumed to be a random sample of 40 temperature measurements with an average of \(4^{\circ}C\) and a standard deviation of \(2^{\circ}C\). We can simulate these values as follow

rnorm(40, mean = 4, sd = 2)

rnorm(40, mean = 4, sd = 2)


The d in dnorm is for density

This function gives the height of the distribution for a chosen value.


If we assume that the average temperature at this time of the year is \(4^{\circ}C\) with a standard deviation of \(2^{\circ}C\), we can calculate that the likeliness that a temperature of \(6^{\circ}C\) to occur is

dnorm(6, mean = 4, sd = 2)
[1] 0.1209854

dnorm(6, mean = 4, sd = 2)


The q in qnorm is for quantile

This function gives the value of the distribution given a certain density


If we assume that the average temperature at this time of the year is \(4^{\circ}C\) with a standard deviation of \(2^{\circ}C\), qnorm allows us to calculate the temperature expected to be obtained at the lowest quartile (1/4). It is calculate as

qnorm(0.25, mean = 4, sd = 2)
[1] 2.65102

qnorm(0.25, mean=4, sd=2)


The p in pnorm is for probability distribution function

This function gives the integral (area under the curve) up to a specified value.

This is particularly useful because it informs us about the probability that an event is likely to occur (of course assuming a it follows a normal distribution).



If we assume that the average temperature at this time of the year is \(4^{\circ}C\) with a standard deviation of \(2^{\circ}C\), pnorm will tell us that the probability to have a temperature lower or equal to \(6^{\circ}C\). This is calculated as

pnorm(6, mean = 4, sd = 2)
[1] 0.8413447

pnorm(6, mean = 4, sd = 2)

Binomial and Bernoulli distribution

As I mentionned previsouly, these function are available in base R for a large number of distributions.

Binomial distribution

  • rbinom
  • dbinom
  • qbinom
  • pbinom

Bernoulli distribution

However, sometimes we must know a little bit of theory (as I have show today) to use the right function.

  • rbinom
  • dbinom
  • qbinom
  • pbinom

Bernoulli distribution

  • rbinom
  • dbinom
  • qbinom
  • pbinom

With size = 1

Other distributions

Statisticians and biologists have been very, very (!!) creative in proposing new probability distribution for specific problems

If you want to learn about the diversity of distribution that is out there, take a look at :

Many of them have been implemented in R, either in base R or specialized packages

If you want to know if you favourite distribution has been implemented in R take a look at