At-home Statistical Workout πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

Andrew MacDonald

Here are some suggested ideas for how to work out your likelihood skills!

They are divided into three sections: one, two and three parameters.

NOTE remember to consult the slides above for a step-by-step pseudocode approach

To do an exercise: copy and paste the R code into an R source file. Run it, then work with the data.frame it creates!

1. One parameter

1.1 The patient baby birds

You are watching a female bird visiting her nest, bringing back food for nestlings. Every time she comes back you write down the number of minutes since the last visit. You watch for 20 consecutive visits. This species brings food once every 10 minutes, so six times an hour, and visits are perfectly random. This implies an Exponential distribution with a rate of \(6\text{visits} / 60\text{minutes}\) so in other words \(0.1\) visits per minute.

Use maximum likelihood to confirm this number.

visit_rate <- 6/60
time_between_visit <- rexp(20, rate = visit_rate)
bird_visits <- data.frame(times = time_between_visit)


Questions / thoughts:

1.2 Monarch Butterfly numbers

You are concerned about Monarchs, so you’ve decided to count their eggs! You look on 50 milkweed plants in your neighbourhood to find them. The eggs follow a perfect Poisson distribution with a mean of 120 eggs per plant.

mean_eggs <- 120
counted_eggs <- rpois(50, mean_eggs)
egg_data <- data.frame(counted_eggs)


You want to use Maximum Likelihood to look at this distribution. You want to be extra careful, so you want to do it two ways.

First, you try to fit a Poisson distribution like this:

\[ \text{eggs} \sim \text{Poisson}(\lambda) \]

you do this by searching over values of \(\lambda\) between 1 and 200.


Monarch Butterflies Part 2

Lambda can’t be 0 or negative. You decide to replace the value of \(\lambda\) with a function that is always greater than 0:

\[ f(x) = e^x \]

curve(exp(x), xlim = c(-3, 3))

Since this function is always positive, and \(\lambda\) is always positive, the function can take the place of \(\lambda\) in your model.

\[ \text{eggs} \sim \text{Poisson}(e^x) \]


1.3 Difference between two normal distributions (part I)

You add some fertilizer to plants, because experiments. This makes the plants grow more on average, because physiology. At the end of your experiment, you cut all the plants down and measure their dry biomass, because tradition.

As a skilled botanist, you know that the standard deviation of the control plots will be exactly 5g, and the standard deviation of the treatment plants will be *exactly the same. You know that plants are on average 200g, and the fertilizer should increase this by 30g (a 15% increase).

real_difference <- 30
control_plants <- rnorm(300, mean = 200, sd = 5)

treated_plants <- rnorm(300, mean = 200 + real_difference, sd = 5)

plant_growth <- rbind(
  data.frame(treatment = 0, mass = control_plants),
  data.frame(treatment = 1, mass = treated_plants)

par(mfrow = c(2,1))
hist(control_plants, breaks = 15)
hist(treated_plants, breaks = 15)
par(mfrow = c(1,1))


Difference between two normal distributions part (II)

The fertilizer makes plants grow, but affects different plants differently, because genetics.

As a VERY skilled geneticist, you know that the standard deviation of the control plots will be exactly 5g, but now you also know the standard deviation of the treatment plants will be exactly 9g. You know that plants are on average 200g, and the fertilizer should increase this by 30g (a 15% increase).

real_difference <- 30
control_plants2 <- rnorm(300, mean = 200, sd = 5)

treated_plants2 <- rnorm(300, mean = 200 + real_difference, sd = 9)

plant_growth2 <- rbind(
  data.frame(treatment = 0, mass = control_plants),
  data.frame(treatment = 1, mass = treated_plants)

par(mfrow = c(2,1))
hist(control_plants2, breaks = 15)
hist(treated_plants2, breaks = 15)
par(mfrow = c(1,1))


Two parameters

The following two examples are lifted from Bolker , page 182

Consider the tadpoles: they live a difficult life. They are in an experiment where they are kept at different densities. The experimenter introduces a predator to the container with the tadpoles, and observes as the predator kills tadpoles.

The experiment has six treatments: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 tadpoles per tank, and 5 tanks per treatment.

Predators can feed more when prey density is higher, but sometimes slow down when the prey get to very high densities. In a classic Type II functional response, this is modelled with two numbers. First, a predator species has some constant attack rate \(a\) – they only need to eat so much per unit time. Second, they must β€œhandle” each prey item (kill, digest, etc) before attacking another. This handling time creates the slowdown in attack: no matter how many prey there are, each still takes the same effort to catch, kill, and digest.

The Type II functional response is written as:

\[ f(N) = \frac{a}{a + ahN} \]

This equation produces a per capita rate of predation: the proportion of prey killed by one predator in a unit of time.

a <- 0.8
h <- .3
curve(a/(1 + a*h*x), xlim = c(0,30), ylim = c(0,1))

At the end of the experiment, the scientist comes back and measures how many tadpoles were killed in each treatment, out of the total number originally placed in that tank.

Part 2

Simulate some data with known parameters for \(a = 0.8\) and \(h = 0.3\)

a <- 0.8
h <- .3
how_many_tanks <- 10

rbinom(how_many_tanks, prob =  a/(1 + a*h*10), size = 10)
 [1] 3 2 3 5 2 2 3 5 2 5
size_of_tank <- c(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30)

dead_tadpoles <- lapply(size_of_tank, function(SIZE) rbinom(how_many_tanks, prob =  a/(1 + a*h* SIZE), size = SIZE))

dead_tadpole_df <- data.frame(
  density = rep(size_of_tank, times = how_many_tanks),
  mortality =, dead_tadpoles))

     plot(density, jitter(mortality, amount = .2),
          pch = 21, bg = "darkgreen",
          cex = 1.2, col = "grey")